Community member participation in library board meetings

Click here for a pdf version of this policy.

Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees November 1993

Policy revised September 12, 2011

Policy revised June 14, 2021

Visitors to Bethlehem Public Library board meetings are recognized by the president and asked to introduce themselves and identify the organization (if any) they represent.

At the start of a meeting, a maximum of 30 minutes is allowed for public comment. At the conclusion of a meeting, a maximum of 30 minutes is allowed for public comment. Individual participation is limited to three (3) minutes. Time allotments may be adjusted at the discretion of the president of the board.

Community members may comment on any library-related subject. The board does not allow discussion of matters unrelated to library business. Board and staff members answer visitors’ questions when the facts are immediately available; some questions may need to be referred for study and future response.

Community members may also direct specific inquiries, comments, or concerns to the library director.  In cases where satisfactory resolution of an inquiry or concern cannot be reached, the community member can appeal any decision or response of the library director directly to the board.

Correspondence can be directed to:

Board President

Bethlehem Public Library

451 Delaware Ave

Delmar, NY 12054

Or e-mailed to the library director at

Correspondence received will be shared among the board members who will decide on an appropriate response.


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