Book Discussions

Click here to browse all of our upcoming book groups on our calendar.

New members are always welcome, and copies of the books are available at the information desk. Audio and downloadable copies may also be available.

Virtual talks with notable authors are also available to Bethlehem cardholders.
Click here for more information.

Day Books

This daytime book discussion meets once a month on a Monday at 1:30 p.m.

The group is led by library staff and is open to everyone. Copies of upcoming titles to be discussed are available to be picked up at the Information Desk. For more information, call (518) 439-9314, ext. 2.

Click here for upcoming titles.

Dark Corners Book Group

This adult evening book discussion meets at 7 p.m. on a Wednesday every other month beginning in October and will focus on suspense, mystery, horror and more.

The group is led by library staff, welcomes everyone, and does not require registration for its meetings. Copies of upcoming titles to be discussed are available to be picked up at the Information Desk. For more information, call (518) 439-9314, ext. 2.

Click here for upcoming titles.

LongReads Book Discussion

This adult evening book discussion meets at 6:30 p.m. every few months to focus on long books, giving readers plenty of time to finish the  selection.

Click here for upcoming titles.

Click here for past book discussion titles

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